Finance and CFA Toolkit

4.9 ( 6159 ratings )
Financiën Onderwijs
Developer: Directional Star Pty. Ltd.
6.99 USD

Finance and CFA toolkit is the essential toolkit for CFA Level 1- Level 3 exams

Finance and CFA toolkit is a comprehensive list of financial terms and formulas required by the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Curriculum for the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 examination that allows you to review anywhere.

The current version is fully up to date with June 2012 and December 2012 Curriculum.

Finance and CFA toolkit provides an efficient way to test your knowledge on-the-go or quickly look up a formula or a finance term during the practice exam.

Included are
* Over 520 Finance Formulas and their descriptions
* Definitions of 1,400+ Financial Terms
* Comprehensive Finance Calculator New!
* Covers all 1,426 Learning Outcome statements (LOS) for CFA 2012 Level 1- Level 3
* Calculator

Calculator features include:
* Internal Rate of Return
* Annuity Payment (AP)
* Time value of Money
* Net Present Value (NPV)
* Future Value (FV)
* Present Value(PV)
* Currency and SDR Converter
* Loan Amortization Schedule
* Depreciation Calculator
* Standard Deviation Calculator & Calculations
* Beta Function Calculator
* Gamma Function Calculator

Formulas are listed by name and can be filtered by CFA Book and CFA level.
Features Include
* Search ability through more than 520 formulas, 1,400 Financial terms
* View formula, terms description/definition
* Formulas can be viewed in Portrait or Landscape mode
* Learning Outcome statement Reference
* Access to calculator for quick calculations

What are the upcoming features?
Upcoming features will be available for free to the existing App users
* Comprehensive Finance Calculator
* Ability to favourite Formula, Terms for quick reference
* CFA Exam count down

Q) What is formula Screen?
A) Formula screen allows user to view the formula and formula description along with CFA level number and book name that the formula belongs to. Formulas can also be searched by formula name.

Q)What is term screen?
A)Term screen allows user to view the financial term and its corresponding definition. Terms can also be searched by term name.

Q) What is LOS Screen?
A)Based on CFA Institute website -
Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) - What They Are
LOS are descriptions of specific knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that you should be able to apply after completing a curriculum reading and all associated exercises and problems. Each LOS includes a command word, such as €œdemonstrate,€œformulate, or €œevaluate, that indicates the degree of understanding required. Reading-specific LOS are listed prior to each reading in the curriculum.

How to Use LOS
Read the LOS before you begin each reading to understand the primary learning objectives before you proceed. Keep in mind that the LOS should be pointing you to the most fundamental KSAs in the reading; then proceed carefully through the reading.
Each exam question is based on one or more LOS. You should be aware that exam questions, particularly at Levels II and III, may combine LOS from several readings, study sessions, and/or topics, especially for the purposes of comparison, contrast, analysis, and synthesis. As noted above, the LOS should not be viewed as direct proxies for exam questions. Nevertheless, if you can accomplish the goals set forth in the LOS, you should be able to perform successfully on the exams.
After completing the reading, review the LOS and evaluate whether you have mastered the applicable content and achieved the target learning outcomes.

Q) Is Finance and CFA Toolkit (FCT) compatible with CFA 2012 Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 curriculum?
A) Yes, the current version of the app is fully up to date with June 2012 and December 2012 Curriculum for CFA Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 examinations.